Dim A (1):
104 Teeth
AR94515, AR68345, AR48096, A1405R
Common use of this item please veify part number with Parts list for your model.
John Deere TRACTOR: 4520 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4555 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4560 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4620 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4630 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4640 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4650 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4755 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4760 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4840 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4850 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4955 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 4960 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 7600 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 7700 (w/ powershift),John Deere TRACTOR: 7800 (w/ powershift)